Today I decided to record a presentation I did recently. It will be posted soon but in the meantime here's something else . While I was busy recording my wife (Tiani) decided that her and the kids would make a cake. It was as usual one of the best cakes I've tasted. If you haven't seen any of her other creations take a look at her Facebook page 3 Tiers Novalty Cakes, below is my cake for my 25th birthday cake
While the cake was being baked
While my wife was baking the cake the kids were acting like clowns like they always do when my son (Bradley, who is 5) said "hey gran...look" and he through a marshmallow up into the air and it landed in his mouth. He then says "hey mom...look here" and does it again. My wife says wait I'm getting my phone, lots of recordings later he finally repeated it successfully again.
And naturally after this my daughter (Kezren, who is 2) copied him...well at least tried
Such a funny kid, ends up dropping more on the floor
Photo walk-through of the creation
Photo walk-through of one of the most sugar full cakes I've ever eaten.
Thank you
In the end we ate a really awesome, rainbow cake with Jelly Tots, Smarties, Astros and thick icing . You guys are awesome.