Gordon Beeming
A journey worth taking
The post is going to go over the last 10 years (7 in more detail) and how I applied a little self control (eventually) and have sort of changed how I motivate myself to try better and why I came to do that. You can almost think of the journey as being a good movie where the dude in high school has everything, somehow loses it (well finding other great things) and then finds his way again (sort of).
Posted on May 21, 2018 -
Making a Cake Day
Today I decided to record a presentation I did recently. It will be posted soon but in the meantime here's something else. While I was busy recording my wife (Tiani) decided that her and the kids would make a cake. It was as usual one of the best cakes I've tasted. If you haven't seen any of her other creations take a look at her Facebook page3 Tiers Novalty Cakes, below is my cake for my 25th birthday cake.
Posted on May 02, 2016 -