TYMHKON is something random that to me looks like it could be Japanese? Not sure what makes me think that when seeing it but what it really stands for is Things You May Have Known Or Not!
I've watch fellow South African MVP Tracy van der Schyff (@tracyvds) post a blog post a day for a year, that's 365 posts daily in case your brain didn't compute that because just saying 1 year feels small but when you say 365 days it suddenly sounds a lot closer to the truth . Any she posted 365 blog posts a year not once but twice and I thought to myself that I sometimes don't even get once out in a month sometimes, even though I have ideas to post al the time.
She's given me some tips on how to keep motivated at doing it and I've decided that I'm not as crazy as she is (just yet at least) but I'm going to post at least once a week (hopefully) on small tips that will largely focus around Azure and VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services).